Saturday, February 16, 2008

Standing up again...

Hello everyone! I'm happy to be back, not from holidays, but from the emotional rollercoaster ride that I've been on for the past few weeks. Nothing has gone horribly wrong during this time, but I guess I have been having a few challenges, and sometimes responding to them the wrong way.

The biggest difficulty by far has been with my thought life. In starting a new business, in trying to lose weight and adopt a permanently healthy lifestyle, and also in starting a "Search for Life" course at my church 3 weeks ago, I've found my dormant WRONG self-beliefs have been rising up like killer weeds, trying to defeat all my attempts at change, and strangle all my hopes and dreams. (If any of you have watched the animated movie "Joseph, King of Dreams", I'm thinking of the scrawny, ugly grains of wheat in Pharaoh's dream, that devour all the good grains!)

Well, today I've thoroughly neglected the house, and all of my "must do" duties, but I have fed my battered spirit, and I believe again that with God's help, I can be consistent, change my mindset, and win in all those challenging areas of my life!

But one thing I do need to do is have a plan. In "Develop a Game Plan", in Christian Women Online this month, Darlene Schacht challenged us to be specific in identifying our goals, figuring out what they will cost us, and committing to consistency in these behaviours. The really funny thing is that I went to a business building seminar last night, and I heard the exact same thing in very succinct terms- "Decide what you want, decide the price, and pay the price."

So that's the plan: I'm going to spend some time reading, praying and thinking, and develop a strategy to stick to so that I can achieve permanent change and victory in my life.
Dr Frank Smoot, of Weight Loss God's Way says "The good news is that you CAN be free! But there a few things you will need to do to get there. First, you will have to take a proactive role in the process. " Things just don't change by accident, at least not for the better. I need to be purposeful in what I do and the behaviours I choose to take on!
Reading from several godly sources today, one key theme has stood out: that I need to transform my mind by renewing it with the Word of God. My mind has definitely been the number one problem here, so I will definitely be incorporating that as a daily strategy for success.
I was so encouraged in this by Darlene's blog entry from last week: Get Set to Soar, Feb 6th 2008. She wrote:
"“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8, NIV. These are the things that will help us rise above our strongholds. These are the thoughts that will bring us closer to the person God created us to be."
I encourage you to read the whole article at .
I'm sure you'd love to know the plans and strategies that I come up with, but that's going to take a little while, so tune in maybe Thursday for an update. :o)
Perhaps you also need to do a reassessment of where you're going, and how you're planning to get there. If you've been as haphazard as me, then why not decide to use this same time frame to ask God, read, and re-focus too?
It's time to move forward in victory.

Until next week,
Keep on smiling!
:o) Juliet.

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