Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ooh, ooh, ooh, I just got an award!!!

I have absolutely no idea how to do this, so it's a learning process, folks! Please forgive me if I botch it all up! Today I was having a little surf on my bloggy friends' sites, and to my awe and shock(???) I found that Miss*Suzanne over at I Was Thinking had given me a pretty award! Thanks so much, Miss Suzanne!
Here is the award:

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to a few bloggers who must choose a few more bloggers and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

Now apparently it is my esteemed task to nominate some of my bloggy friends for this award too, so here goes:
I nominate my lovely sister Amanda, who has just started blogging at In His Image, the gorgeous MamaBear, at Bears In Exile/Return Home, the courageous Terri, at Once in a Lifetime, the famously entertaining Ree at The Pioneer Woman, and the like-minded Tammi at Valley Girl.
Lovely ladies, please pass this award on to some of the bloggers you follow and appreciate, and include with the picture the text which is written beneath it.
Happy blogging, lovely friends!

In Him,

Post script: I just heard from my lovely friend Denise at Shortybear's Place, who I omitted from my awards because I couldn't access her blog last night. Glad to know she's still blogging! Denise, here's your nomination too!

God infuses inner strength into me!

I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me.
(Philippians 4:13- The Amplified Bible)
I love that thought!

In Him,

Friday, March 27, 2009

One at a time's good fishing!

First, let me start by saying that this post has nothing whatsoever to do with fishing. Don't get me wrong- I like fish, especially thick salmon fillets, seared and cooked to perfection in a hot cast iron pan and drizzled with olive oil and lime juice! Excuse me, I'll just go and have some dinner and then return to finish my post...

Ahhh, that's better! Now, the fishing... The title above is a saying that my darling husband's grandad used to say. It's drizzled down through the decades, much like the olive oil, and is now used frequently in our own household.
'One at a time's good fishing' basically means that if you focus on one thing at a time, and don't get impatient and try to rush things to get a speedier result, you'll be more successful, effective, satisfied, etc.
Recently, I've decided to do this with my weight loss efforts. Although I'm continuing to be mindful of what I'm eating (most of the time!), I felt led to choose one thing and be consistent and committed in that one thing day in, and day out. I've committed to a minimum of 30 minutes of activity/exercise EVERY day of the week except Sundays- our day of rest, but also one of our fullest days at the moment, with church till 2pm, and back there for the marriage course at 5 till 9pm!
So far, I've exercised at the gym 4 times and gone for walks 3 times in the past 8 days... I'm on track! And my good friend the tape measure is showing pleasing signs too, with a total loss of another 6cm (about 2in) in the past week, from waist, bust & hips.
This leading came through hearing three different people, over two days. Firstly, a lady on Focus on the Family radio broadcast, who did this very same thing- one step at a time. Then over coffee with some godly girlfriends, someone mentioned a message preached several years ago which was on conquering your mountains one step at a time! Lastly, I have a life coach named Joyce- perhaps you've heard of her- Joyce Meyer? I was listening to her podcasts for four hours the next day, while painting LOTS of walls! And she counselled me in exactly the same message: "Choose one thing in your life that God is speaking to you about, and really commit yourself to change in that area". Can you hear her voice? I can!
So that's what I'm doing. I've committed to myself and God as my helper and accountability partner. Maybe sooner, rather than later, I'll be posting some before and after pictures!
In Him,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St Paddy's Day Fun!

Friday, March 13, 2009

365 Days of Grateful

An hour ago, I ducked out to the shops for some dinner and some low fat icecream treats. Although I'd already opened my blogger account, and was very ready to start pondering about all the things I'm thankful for, I felt sorry for my darling husband who was fainting for lack of dinner. OK, I made that bit up, but anyway, I sorta thought I'd better get my butt into gear and find some dinner for the poor fella. Near the icecream freezers, I heard a plaintive cry- the magazine section sat calling to me. Only half wanting to resist that temptation, I wandered over and had a look-see at the home magazines. Notebook was sealed up so I couldn't look inside, but I got it on a whim, tucked it under my wing (after paying for it, of course), and took it home to savour later.

I knew it was a God-thing when I opened it up just now, and came across an article entitled "365 Reasons to be Grateful". Hailey Bartholomew, a photographer and mother of two had been feeling generally low, and was encouraged by her mentor to reflect on each day, and write down what she was grateful for. Being a photographer, her writing soon transferred into polaroid photographs of the things in life that were a blessing to her. After a year, she had an album full of treasures- from poignant moments to simple joys. But more than that, she felt her whole outlook on life had lifted: "I'm so happy lately... I have so much and all I need, and so much love in my life."

So what about us? As Christians, we don't just get to be grateful, but we have Someone to focus our gratitude on- we can be thankful towards our loving, detailed God, who has given His life for us, and put so many delightful things into our world! What things are you thankful today? Take some time to think about these, and give thanks to God.

I've posted some of my blessings in my side bar. I could share so many. Please let me know some of the things you are thankful for too. I would love to hear from you! By the way, you can visit Hailey's Grateful Project at www.youcantbeserious.com.au and click on Flickr. Please check it out- she has a lovely talent for capturing beauty in the ordinary.

In Him,

P.S. I had fun playing PhotoStory Friday over at Mama Geek's blog: Works For Us
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek