Friday, March 13, 2009

365 Days of Grateful

An hour ago, I ducked out to the shops for some dinner and some low fat icecream treats. Although I'd already opened my blogger account, and was very ready to start pondering about all the things I'm thankful for, I felt sorry for my darling husband who was fainting for lack of dinner. OK, I made that bit up, but anyway, I sorta thought I'd better get my butt into gear and find some dinner for the poor fella. Near the icecream freezers, I heard a plaintive cry- the magazine section sat calling to me. Only half wanting to resist that temptation, I wandered over and had a look-see at the home magazines. Notebook was sealed up so I couldn't look inside, but I got it on a whim, tucked it under my wing (after paying for it, of course), and took it home to savour later.

I knew it was a God-thing when I opened it up just now, and came across an article entitled "365 Reasons to be Grateful". Hailey Bartholomew, a photographer and mother of two had been feeling generally low, and was encouraged by her mentor to reflect on each day, and write down what she was grateful for. Being a photographer, her writing soon transferred into polaroid photographs of the things in life that were a blessing to her. After a year, she had an album full of treasures- from poignant moments to simple joys. But more than that, she felt her whole outlook on life had lifted: "I'm so happy lately... I have so much and all I need, and so much love in my life."

So what about us? As Christians, we don't just get to be grateful, but we have Someone to focus our gratitude on- we can be thankful towards our loving, detailed God, who has given His life for us, and put so many delightful things into our world! What things are you thankful today? Take some time to think about these, and give thanks to God.

I've posted some of my blessings in my side bar. I could share so many. Please let me know some of the things you are thankful for too. I would love to hear from you! By the way, you can visit Hailey's Grateful Project at and click on Flickr. Please check it out- she has a lovely talent for capturing beauty in the ordinary.

In Him,

P.S. I had fun playing PhotoStory Friday over at Mama Geek's blog: Works For Us
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Anonymous said...

Hello Juliet,
I have your new url added to my blogs/follow in dashboard so I can keep up with you.
Loved this post!
Have a great weekend,
Mama Bear

Cupcake Dessert said...

I love this idea!! and i love the list of things you are grateful for!! I might start something similar soon!! :)

Angela Baylis said...

I clicked over here from someone else's blog. I'm glad I did! I LOVE your grateful pictures on your sidebar and I already know we could be friends because I love ALL of the songs you chose to add to your blog! I love music. If you ever visit my blog you'll know what I mean. Anyway, nice meeting you! Have a great weekend. I'm going to be more grateful because I stopped over here!
Much love,
Angie xoxo

Denise said...

I am grateful for my salvation, my life, my husband, my family, and my friends.

Wayne said...

great photo friday and I couldn't stop laughing about your hubby fainting from lack of dinner, and the picture is awsome.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Last year I did 52 weeks of blessings and it was fun to list my blessings.