Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blue skies and harlequin bugs...

Well folks, spring has come upon us down here in Melton, Australia, and boy, aren't we glad!
The sudden migration of creepy spiders and bugs indoors would be a source of great chagrin, but is tempered by our overwhelming relief at being able to shed a few layers, and sit at the computer without a blankie in the middle of the day!

The first few days of spring have brought with them some milder weather, some lovely blue skies, lots of greenery, and plenty of bugs. We've had three spiders in the past week. Two were dealt with by my awesome hubby before I had any knowledge of them, but one I had to squish with my own shoe... while I was wearing it!! I'm very brave.

Harlequin bugs, little skinny things, are enjoying finding a mate and 'hooking up' in strange places like shower cubicles or our bedroom cornices.
My husband and I joked that they were in the right place for it!! ;o)
However it's possible that, I, rather than spring, have stirred up the creatures. Last weekend I spent a vigorous 30 minutes pulling out rebel weeds near our bedroom french doors. I sweated and strained, and cleared a patch the size of two men's hankies. They were big weeds, people!

Still, I hold out hope. Despite lots of weightier priorities, I'm hoping that the whole family will chip in, and with lots of effort, we will resurrect our back yard. My lovely family-in-law are coming over for Boxing Day Dec 26th, and in true Aussie style, will want to hold their own cricket Test Match. The Boxing Day Test is a sporting institution here in Melbourne, and many a backyard cricket match is held on the same day! It's usually to compensate for all the turkey and Christmas pud that's been consumed.

Here are some BEFORE photos, so you can sympathise with me. Yes, we have a LONG way to go!
Wish me luck!



Anonymous said...

Spring, huh? And we're hopefully finishing up Summer. I was wondering if you have sent the journal on to its next stop. I have moved and want to make sure it comes to me at the right address when it makes its rounds.
Mama Bear

Denise said...

Love you sweet one.