Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going well...

Hello again Lovelies!
I just want to share a little something that's been helping me on my weight loss journey lately. A few weeks back, I was sick, under pressure at work, and generally eating just about whatever I liked! As a result, in the past month, I only lost 1kg, instead of the 2 or 3 that I had hoped for. I was fast slipping back into the scary eating patterns and resignation I had had before. But then something within me said NO. I don't want to undo all my hard work. I don't want to gain the weight I've lost. I believe God was causing some righteous indignation to bubble up in my spirit, and whispering to me "Don't give up... you CAN do it!"

So last Monday, after having bought takeaway TWICE during the day, I decided that I didn't want to continue this silliness any more! So I made a reward chart for good behaviour, just like I do for the girls and their chores. Every day, I reward myself $3 on the chart if I have not given in to temptation that day. When someone offers me something and I have a small serve, that's OK, I'm being polite and moderate at the same time. But if temptation is telling me to take a bigger slice, or another piece, that's when I have to decide what to do. My issue is not so much what I put into my mouth, but the amount of power I allow temptation/the flesh, to have in my life!
I also reward an additional $3 for exercise done with the proper amount of effort! Whenever I can, I will put away my weekly earnings to accrue for my new wardrobe that I will undoubtedly be needing in a few months!!! So last week, I earned a grand total of $24- enough for a cute new shirt perhaps! But not yet. So far, even though I'm just writing some money on a wall chart, I'm finding that I'm motivated to make sure I get to write up my $3 or $6 for the day! I am noticing some improvement in my body shape, and I don't want to lose it again. I might only have been losing a little bit at a time, but the fact is, I am losing it, so if I just continue in that, I will eventually reach my goal- if I don't give up!
Our Sunday message this week was about selecting scripture from the Bible to use as weapons when we feel the attack of the devil on our lives, just like David selected some stones to kill Goliath. Well, here's one of my weapons for this situation: Galatians 6:9- Let us not become weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!
Have a great week, everybody, and don't give up!!!



Paula said...

Sounds like you're on the right track once again. Keep going! I really like your incentive chart idea and that's a great line of scripture to go along with it!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I was wondering where the circle journal had gotten to...

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great incentive program you've got going.
I weighed this morning. It had been almost 2 months and like you, I'd slipped back into old habits. However with all the work we've been doing in the heat, I felt I had been burning some extra calories. My clothes still fit as well as 2 months ago. So although I've gained some pounds, I've not gained inches. I will need to start tracking again soon so that more doesn't sneak back on. Its just that there is so much stress going on in my life right now. Thanks for this post, it is encouraging.
Mama Bear

Denise said...

You go girl, you are doing great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Juliet, just thought that I would check out where the circle journal is coming from. I can hardly wait to see what everyone has been up to. I love doing things like this, best learning tool there is.

God bless.

Denise said...

Great post and it came home for me right now!!!!!! I can and will do this for me..... I can do all thing through Christ!!! I have to loose another 40lbs..... I can do...... Thanks for this wonderful encouraging words..... !!! We are all so connected through Christ and when we write our blogs we have no idea who we will touch!

Have a blessed week !!!!

Sunny Shell said...

Hi Juliet!

Great post and GREAT Scripture to press on! Here's another one I pray regularly, 2 Thess. 3:5. As I remind myself that it's not me, but Christ working in me. And I give Him all the glory for any weight loss!

I LOVE how you encourage yourself to stay the course!

Bless you!

Darlene Schacht said...

That's a great idea. It reminds me of a similar post I keep forgetting to write. Way to go.

Joanie said...

Way to go! I really appreciate your honesty and designing a reward system (visual too) to keep continual encouragement in front of you.

Keep it up!