Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't go it alone!

The shocking truth...

OK everyone, in the interests of being open and accountable, I am just coming straight out with it...
Today I had to re-set my weight loss ticker- the little measuring stick at the bottom of my blog that tells how much weight I've lost, and my progress towards my goal weight. The truth is, between November and February, I thought I'd lost about 4kg, but it turns out it had been only temporarily mislaid. It is now back with me, filling my jeans in all the wrong places.

What can I say, after all my valiant words, my poignant posts! I, like so many others, have stayed on the rollercoaster of my feelings during this period... "I can do this, I am fearfully and wonderfully made" with carrot sticks one minute, then "I'll never be able to get the victory" with icecream and chocolates, the next.

I feel like a bit of a goose right now, but I'm going to say it anyway... this time I really do believe I am going to have the victory- over my weight, my health, and the wrong thoughts and mindsets that have sabotaged all my previous good work!

It's been said before, that the definition of insanity is to be doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. Previously I have fought the weight and health battle on only one (or 1.5) fronts at a time- sometimes I've focussed on my eating in Weight Watchers, but let myself down in the exercise department. Other times, I've worked out regularly at a gym, and then eaten whatever I wanted. Needless to say, the little results I did have were quickly swept away in the tide of unhealthy habits!

So this time, I'm doing things differently.
Last week, my darling hubby and I got together and decided that it's time to get radical, to win this war! So this time, I'm going out on all fronts: I've joined the local Contours gym, where I'll be doing energetic workouts three times a week, and I've committed to 5 visits over the next 6 months with a dietitian, to help me get my eating under control. In addition, I'm spending time with loving friends, and working on my thoughts and beliefs through books, programs, blogs, and the Word!

Initially, I wondered whether going to a dietitian would be helpful, thinking "Ï know what I should be eating, and I've just gotta get my thoughts under control with God's help!" But today I went for my 1st visit, and I am so glad I made that move! Do you know, even as a nurse, I had made several regular food choices that I thought were good for me, but actually weren't! I now feel like I will win over this problem- that I'm not in it on my own, but that I have supports and structures that will help me get there.

Friends, I've described my struggle in ugly detail for two reasons: Firstly, I really want to make a fresh start, as I feel I've been given one, and I want you all to know that it's fresh and new.
Secondly, if you are where I've been for the past months, I encourage you to come out on all fronts too. If you try to lop off one of your legs, something you've been relying on for many years, you won't only need a crutch, you'll need physio, dressings, adaptations to your home, etc. You'll need supports in place to help you with the transition. So try to leave every base covered- get some help with your eating, help with your fitness, find some friends who support you in your battle. I'm doing it, and I think I'll be overjoyed at the result!
I'm looking forward to being free! See you at the top of the mountain.
Lots of love,


Futuristics said...

NICE Blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Juliet!

I'm new to the Live Well program, but I'm not new to the struggles that we all face!

At one time I lost 67 lb, so I know "how" to do it. It is just continuing on...yikes 40 lb have crept back on.

Like you I have my moment by moment struggles...sigh...

Thanks for being real!!

I hope we both have a better day today!☺

Suzie said...

Good for you! You have a great attitude and the best thing is you're honest with yourself and you have a plan. You'll be back on track before you know it!!

May God's grace be on you through your journey,

Anonymous said...

Hey Juliet,
I looked at your ticker there at the bottom. Of course, its in kg so I can't read it.
I love your post, so much good stuff there. the paragraph that begins: I feel like a bit of a goose" that sounds so much like me. I do sabotage my own efforts. And I know I'm doing it at the time. I have so many mixed mindspeaks. Of course, the voice of the enemy is in there also.
I like the analogy to losing a leg. Having a box of cookies are candy is definitely an obstacle.
Remembering that total picture of all components: Mind, Body, Spirit is key. Onward with the plan! Good week,
Mama Bear

Christa said...

I like your post, Keep it up. You have expressed some of what I am feeling right now, except you say it so much better, my mind is still a bit fuzzy in the mornings. Have a great week!

Darlene Schacht said...

All of your honesty and soul searching means that you've already taken seveal steps on working from the inside out. I'm sure that you'll do great, and I'm looking forward to watching your progress!

Anonymous said...

hi Juliet!
Thanks for your comment about my kids! Glad to know others know what it feels like and that there is light at the end of the tunnel!!
Your blog is great! I'll be bookmarking it for future visits!!

Unknown said...

Hi there! I've also been struggling with the weight issue and eating right. It's coming along....very

It's great that you're not gonna quit and I think that's a big part of success! Just keep going!

A Stone Gatherer said...

I don't know if my last comment went through or not so I thought I would write again and tell you how your post encouraged me! I may have to try a dietian too!