Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pounding the pavement...

Hi y'all! OK so I'm not from Texas, but neither are most of you, so go ahead and say it with your best Texan drawl... "Hi y'all!" There, it felt good, didn't it!

This week I was determined to be able to log on and tell you all (y'all) about some exciting new activity I had undertaken to boost my weight loss! Well I've got good news and bad news... the bad news is that it's not really a new activity- no new brainwaves turning into reality before your very eyes. It is however re-formulated, re-focused, and planned and written down, so I am excited! (That's the good news!)
I looked at ballroom dancing (love to dance, but hubby not so keen, so can't make it a priority each week). Looked at tennis (OK I am totally unco when it comes to tennis, but thought I would still get a good cardio workout with it). But tennis lessons, gym, etc all got the thumbs down due to, shall we say, 'higher financial priorities?'

Eventually I realised that rather than adding something new to my weekly exercise regime, I have to just knuckle down and do more of what I'm currently doing- putting in more effort and purpose into my regular morning walks. So I sat down with my right hand man ('gorgeous hubby' in earth speak (by the way, did I mention that he his wonderfully good at schedules, and used to be a personal trainer!)), and planned a morning schedule which would enable me to increase the duration of my walks, fit in some crunches, stretches, etc, and still get everything done in order to have the children to school and me to work on time! So brownie points for me, I started this program 2 days ago. I rested today because I had a slight strain to my ankle, but will be back on the pavement at 6.15 again tomorrow... Hello world! Looking forward to seeing those numbers change on the scales again (in the downward direction, of course!!)
Happy hiking everyone!
:o) Juliet.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan to me!
Mama Bear

tammi said...

Good for you!! That's good progress! My routine has been written out for a couple of weeks already, but hasn't exactly become routine yet! Happy walking!

Darlene Schacht said...

That is exciting. I love your energy!! Enjoy the walks, and keep pounding the pavement.

Juliet Fieldew said...

Thanks everyone... by the way, any of you Texans?? Did you do the verbal exercise I gave you??? Ha ha. Valley Girl, I kept listening to lots of wise advice to just exercise every 2nd day so I could allow my body to recover on off days, but it just didn't fit for me that way,and I could never stick to my routine properly. I only really began to exercise regularly last Nov, when I decided to turf that advice and schedule it for when it fitted my life best. To balance that though, I quickly found that the 'every 2nd day' advice was wise- as soon as I resumed this week after slacking off during holidays, I injured my ankle from over exerting. I've since chosen to continue my same routine (generally Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri mornings), but be a bit more careful about how I push my body- I don't want injuries putting me off exercise all together! Also, I found I had to plan my whole morning (up to leaving for work) so that I could regularly fit in time to get a good walk. I am just one of those people who, if I don't have clear time goals to aim for, I will just continue to luxuriate in bed until the last second, and them realise I'd done my sums wrong while I was still in Dreamy Land, and I no longer have time to get out there for a walk. Scheduling everything to achieve a good workout & get everyone to their school or work on time is still new for me, but it seems to be helping! (Mind you, it's 7:29 a.m., and here I am answering emails... that wasn't on the schedule... Better go!!) Good luck with your routine! :o)

God's girl said...

Sounds like you are on your way! Keep it up!

Tammy said...

What a blessing to have a personal trainer step up your program a bit! YAY! Don't overdo it though and allow yourself to get into the rhythmm. You know, you're gonna start feeling better and WANT to get up and outta dreamy land in the mornings! LOL!

Tammy ~@~