Thursday, July 31, 2008

Time for a change!

Hello Lovelies! As you can see, I've updated my tired old blog template. I don't yet possess the clever skills to properly create or re-create a new look, so I've found a lovely one from Candy's Templates.
Sorry all of my lovely favourite blog lists etc have disappeared with the reno. Promise I'll get them back up soon. It's late, but I just had to get a little post up after all my tinkering- if for no greater reason than to get rid of the bright green pic which was at the top of my previous post... can't have that- it doesn't match the new colour scheme!!
So here's a more appropriate match. As this post doesn't really have a theme today, I can really put any pic I like, can't I!OK, it's a car. What's a nice girl like me doing putting car pictures on her blog?? Hmm. Well it matches, and it's HOT too. And you can blame my darling hubby for the influence!!
So anyway, it's definitely time for a more serious post, so I'll be back tomorrow hopefully- If I get the house in order!!
Catch you soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Yes, I'm finally through accreditation- we've come out the other end, and in general, the clinic has come out fairly well! There are some small changes we need to implement, but I'm a happy camper!!
The clinic accreditation visit was today. This was me, most nights last week and early this week. (except, a girl version, and my desk was covered, rather than stacked!!) I put in so many looooong days, working into the wee hours on things like computer security policies, new staff induction information, and triage guides for non-clinical staff. I'm glad it's over! There's still plenty more to develop, but I told my boss very nicely but clearly, that I won't be taking any more work home, at least not for another 3 years. But in reality, if we haven't got everything running smoothly by the next accreditation, I probably won't still be there- that would generate some serious deficit in my job satisfaction levels!!!

Anyway, what am I doing, still rambling on about work! Let's change the subject, shall we?
On the health front, I am much improved, thank-you! That cold lurked around for far too long... got into my chest, and I had to go on antibiotics even! Well, I'm still putting up with the remainders of it, but will be safely back at the gym in the next day or so... I had 1.5 weeks off- will I even be able to use my muscles again???

I have been so blessed with comments from lots of bloggy friends lately. Thanks everyone! It's late, and I've had enough of pulling late nights on the computer, so i'm gonna go. Promise I'll be back to talk about something more substantial soon. In the mean-time, Live Well everyone. And don't eat too many sugar-free sweets- I hear they produce certain unsavoury side effects!!!!?!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coughing and sniffling!

Hi everyone, I've been gone for a while- sorry! A few of you have left comments to make sure I'm OK. Thanks, I appreciate your concern. Right now I have a cold, so I'm coughing and spluttering my way through the day- Lovely! Feeling a bit under the weather!
But generally, I have been good. Just life & work have been getting busier. Even today, my day off, will be mostly spent on work stuff, so please excuse the short post- I'm really just wanting to let everyone know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth!!!

But I do have to tell you all about the Making Marriage Better course I mentioned last time! We had our first night last Sunday, and it went really well! I am so excited and expectant of improvement and health for these marriages, and I'm also expecting we'll have some great growth in our own marriage as we lead the other couples through the course! In the course, we watch teaching videos covering one aspect of marriage (eg communication, family of origin, etc.) per week, and then follow with small group discussion looking at our own lives and learning how to apply skills and truths into our relationships on a daily basis. The teaching is really well communicated, and full of truths that will set people free! I'm excited!

Gotta go already- get back to working on my "work stuff". By this time next week, I should not be needing to bring any more work home. Phew! Catch you then!

P.S. Hopefully next week I will put up a cast of characters, so you can see who we all are! Stay tuned for that one!