Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Staying on track, in a yummy way!

Hi everyone, just a quick post today, to let you all know I'm doing well with my new diet and exercise changes! I wasn't keen on having salad "again!" for lunch today, but I'm glad now, as it was delicious, and I've stayed on track with my eating because I chose to just do it anyway! Also, for Bible Study tonight, I felt like being Suzie Homemaker, and actually baking something for a change, so I Googled 'healthy recipes', and found a nice sounding easy recipe for honey biscuits that sound healthy and delicious! If they prove to be a winner, I'll post the recipe here for you all. No doubt I'll modify it a bit, being one of those cooks who likes to splash in all sorts of interesting ingredients, but the original can be found at Spark Recipes:
Happy cooking, and have a great week!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't go it alone!

The shocking truth...

OK everyone, in the interests of being open and accountable, I am just coming straight out with it...
Today I had to re-set my weight loss ticker- the little measuring stick at the bottom of my blog that tells how much weight I've lost, and my progress towards my goal weight. The truth is, between November and February, I thought I'd lost about 4kg, but it turns out it had been only temporarily mislaid. It is now back with me, filling my jeans in all the wrong places.

What can I say, after all my valiant words, my poignant posts! I, like so many others, have stayed on the rollercoaster of my feelings during this period... "I can do this, I am fearfully and wonderfully made" with carrot sticks one minute, then "I'll never be able to get the victory" with icecream and chocolates, the next.

I feel like a bit of a goose right now, but I'm going to say it anyway... this time I really do believe I am going to have the victory- over my weight, my health, and the wrong thoughts and mindsets that have sabotaged all my previous good work!

It's been said before, that the definition of insanity is to be doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. Previously I have fought the weight and health battle on only one (or 1.5) fronts at a time- sometimes I've focussed on my eating in Weight Watchers, but let myself down in the exercise department. Other times, I've worked out regularly at a gym, and then eaten whatever I wanted. Needless to say, the little results I did have were quickly swept away in the tide of unhealthy habits!

So this time, I'm doing things differently.
Last week, my darling hubby and I got together and decided that it's time to get radical, to win this war! So this time, I'm going out on all fronts: I've joined the local Contours gym, where I'll be doing energetic workouts three times a week, and I've committed to 5 visits over the next 6 months with a dietitian, to help me get my eating under control. In addition, I'm spending time with loving friends, and working on my thoughts and beliefs through books, programs, blogs, and the Word!

Initially, I wondered whether going to a dietitian would be helpful, thinking "Ï know what I should be eating, and I've just gotta get my thoughts under control with God's help!" But today I went for my 1st visit, and I am so glad I made that move! Do you know, even as a nurse, I had made several regular food choices that I thought were good for me, but actually weren't! I now feel like I will win over this problem- that I'm not in it on my own, but that I have supports and structures that will help me get there.

Friends, I've described my struggle in ugly detail for two reasons: Firstly, I really want to make a fresh start, as I feel I've been given one, and I want you all to know that it's fresh and new.
Secondly, if you are where I've been for the past months, I encourage you to come out on all fronts too. If you try to lop off one of your legs, something you've been relying on for many years, you won't only need a crutch, you'll need physio, dressings, adaptations to your home, etc. You'll need supports in place to help you with the transition. So try to leave every base covered- get some help with your eating, help with your fitness, find some friends who support you in your battle. I'm doing it, and I think I'll be overjoyed at the result!
I'm looking forward to being free! See you at the top of the mountain.
Lots of love,

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Quit giving up!

Hi everyone, I know.. it's Thursday, not Wednesday, but I was so encouraged by Darlene's story on Live Well this week, that I just had to add the gorgeous pear logo... (is that pear getting slimmer, by the way??)
Darlene was telling the story of a couple who planted daffodils, just a few at a time, over many years, until eventually they had a vast hillside garden- one of the largest and most breathtaking daffodil gardens in the world.- It's amazing what can be achieved with consistent effort!
We were talking about this a bit at our home Bible study last night. It seems so many of us have become used to getting things NOW- not having to work and wait, and work and wait some more, until eventually we see the fruit of our efforts. Perhaps we blame society, the 'instant' generation, or whatever, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, all we can do is stop making excuses, and start changing ourselves.
It's time to accept that improving our health, our bodies, our mindsets is going to take WORK and PATIENCE, and a whole lot of it, too! We've all heard the cliche before- "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen!" Yeah... thanks. Well I've found that it hasn't happened. Why? The only reason that holds any water is: Because I keep giving up too early! Well it's time to get my fingernails dirty, to get a sore, bent ole back from planting so many dang flowers! Who knows, maybe if that little couple had given up every time they felt a twinge in their backs, they wouldn't even have filled a garden the size of a sandpit!

You know, sometimes I feel like just a bag of hot air (albeit an entertaining one!!), because I make all these commitments to myself, pontificate on what I should and shouldn't do, and I sound so convincing, too. But then in not more than 48 hours, I am at the bottom end of the see-saw, thinking "I can't do this", or "Who am I kidding- I'm never going to win over this thing!"

But my ever-wise and altogether gorgeous hubby reminds me that it's at these times that the Nike principle applies... don't get bogged down in your feelings and self-doubts.... Just Do It! Just put those runners on and get some exercise; just make the right food choice... again.

Don't give up. Haven't you spent too long already on the endless hamster wheel of trying and failing- I know I have.
So don't try anymore- Just do!

Don't give up, my friends. It may take a while, but in time you will reap a great reward. Remember this promise from God's word-
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows.... Therefore let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!
- Gal. 6:7 & 9.

God bless, everyone, and keep moving forward!

Christian Glitter by

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

From Bologna to Burnout???

Yes, we came back from Bologna, a while ago, actually. Things have been really hectic in my life lately, but I thought I'd better give a brief comment on my recent armchair travel experiment. I decided, as it's a bit beyond our budget to hop on a plane and explore faraway places, that we could have a pretend vacation, so I made up a powerpoint presentation of all the sights we might visit if we were to actually go to Bologna (see my previous post for more background on that!)
I have to say, my enthusiasm was met with mixed reactions. My younger two girls were excited, and thought they would like to have a go presenting a travel destination at some stage too. My somewhat less than enthused husband said it was "OK", and my darling 13 year old, who was a bit moody at the time, huffed "It's all just imaginary!" as she sat there with a junk mail catalogue over her face.
What's a mum to do???

But lo and behold, within a few days the easter school holidays were over, and it was back to the busyness of juggling work and school schedules again. Now the idea of armchair travel seems fanciful, when there's an immunisation course to complete, girls needing homework help and clean uniforms, and dishes piling in the sink! I jumped over to Stacey's blog, at "The Truest Thing", and found some very thought provoking posts on overload- doing too much, stressing too much, etc.
I have to admit, I am in that place right now. I've found myself both unwell and in tears several times over the past two weeks. I know some things have to go, but I'm not sure what... or how. Naturally, I feel like throwing in the towel, actually, all of them at once, but I know that's not a very good place to be making decisions from, so I'm just asking God for guidance at this point. As I press on taking one day at a time, with lots of ginger, garlic, and honey & lemon drinks, I'm believing that God will help me to achieve some much needed balance in my life!

In the quietest of times, though, I'm lifting up my soul to God, and drawing strength from singing this little song. If you know the tune, sing it for a bit too, and it will encourage you too.
Have a great week everyone!

He's all I need, He's all I need.
Jesus is all I need.
He's all I need, He's all I need.
Jesus is all I need.

I take Him now, I take Him now,
For all that I need.
I take Him now, I take Him now,
For all that I need.